City on Steroids: Vanguard

China is building megacities like this at a pace and scale the world has never seen before. Chongqing has 12 million people and counting. It's part of the central government's plan to bring some of China's economic boom to its impoverished interior province where three out of four Chinese live. Vanguard takes you on a whirlwind tour of the city---from inside a cramped boarding house where migrant workers to inside a starter apartment of China's new class of yuppies; from inside ancient, crumbling teahouses to gleaming new car factories. "Vanguard," airing Mondays at 9/8c on Current TV, is a no-limits documentary series whose award-winning correspondents put themselves in extraordinary situations to immerse viewers in global issues that have a large social significance. VIEW more Vanguard & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube Playlist here...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to City on Steroids: Vanguard

  1. jinfreakx says:

    @LaBeefy101 wrong…the chinese thinks long term thats why they creat shit items…the faster they go to trash the more they produce and sell

  2. ureallysuckglobes says:

    @dymd3z “Unless their goal is to still dominate dollar store shelves… ”


  3. Filiolus says:

    @Menuki You are forgetting that america can do this because we’re already past the stage of what other countries are in, that’s why we have the right to complain. It sucks, but wether you like it or not, the roll of the dice choses where you are born, and if you are American, even if you don’t want to admit it, being american has many more benifits to being born in alot of other places

  4. ahmad6421664 says:

    @MrChitoast he is japanese really

  5. softsquishybluefoam says:


    Full blown autism, definately never been to America.

  6. softsquishybluefoam says:

    @underdg22 “stupid americans think the foreigners…”

    Where the fuck did you get that idea

  7. MrChitoast says:

    I’m pleased that the reporter is interested in his roots, but his approach is very western-minded, he doesn’t even seem very comfortable with chinese customs, poor westernized chinese..

  8. mattsnow81 says:

    Chinese people seem to be great! One hell of a pollution problem though.

  9. Menuki says:

    @Salladsdressing They really need to invent some kind of punctuation for sarcasm.

    The whole #Occupy movement is to protest how “horrible” the 99% live like here. I have traveled a great deal in my lifetime. As an American, I find this arrogant self pitying disgusting. Much of the control and freedom we have lost has been us signing it away through apathy.

  10. Salladsdressing says:

    99% live in horrible conidtions in America? You got to be kidding me =P

  11. LaBeefy101 says:

    The Chinese never think long-term, that’s why everything they do is shit.

  12. Menuki says:

    America sucks, 99% live in such horrible conditions, we are being oppressed…..

    Other countries laugh at our complaints.
    Do you think the Bang Bang men worry that the loads aren’t OSHA approved? When’s the last time an American felt lucky they could own land?
    Personal space?
    Indoor plumbing?
    The ability to even consider throwing food away?

    Seems ridiculous in comparison

  13. corey01851 says:

    lol at dudes teeth 1:48

  14. Jsmooth7444 says:

    People in other countries seem so smart compared to Americans…We in the USA are so dumbed down by drugs and shitty media influence (news, reality TV, commercials..) that we can’t think critically. Its sad.

  15. PrimeTargetSecurity says:

    how many of you are familiar with the self-contained city the chinese are building HERE IN IDAHO and other states? yeah. We are quietly giving areas to china devolpement, look into it. check my “beware of anything china” playlist or research yourself. they’r comin fast.

  16. PrimeTargetSecurity says:

    u can google earth china’s huge ghost cities and see how huge but empty they are

  17. Ladyerica54 says:

    Adam Yamaguchi is HAWT!!! <3

  18. johannDietrych says:

    fkking shitty people, shitty culture!

  19. vincently1231 says:

    @HearingEveryRhyme well then u shouldnt ever be secure because more than half the shit we import is from china

  20. vincently1231 says:

    @mikeshane11 hey man thats pretty cool. i would love to live in chine

  21. mikeshane11 says:

    I live in Chongqing. I dont think any video could accurately describe this place. I live right near the “Chrysler Building” that was pointed out. Since this video has been released, the skyline of Chongqing has already changed dramatically. 6 new buildings are taller than the Chrysler building – A new one is going up right next to it and it will be the tallest building in West China. I came here to open a few restaurants. Chongqing has a lot of potential. Come Check it out!!!!

  22. bennopia says:

    @aluisious obviously you never drove a (USSR) Lada or a (German) BMW in the 1980′s. :)

  23. aluisious says:

    @underdg22 Central planning does work. The USSR beat Germany with centrally planned industry when 20 years earlier their had been no industry. South Korea developed from central planning.

    What you say is basically a religion. You have no proof to back your dogmatic statements. You’re pointing out the problems of central planning like empty cities, but you ignore the same problems in our own economy due to the “financial sector” stealing huge portions of our economic production.

  24. yucute says:

    hey guys try adblock google chrome plus, it is great, bye bye ads..

  25. CanadianBear47 says:

    i love current but all these ads are getting on my nerves :(